Ngā Hui
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Ngā Hui
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Register Now For Upcoming Quarterly Hui
Register for the trade hui taking place on Tuesday 23 July
Waikato-Tainui Trade Hui: Being Maori
The fifth Te Taumata regional hui brought together New Zealand leaders of trade to discuss international trade opportunities.
Save the date: Te Taumata trade hui in Wellington
The next Te Taumata trade hui is to be hosted at Parliament by Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nanaia Mahuta.
Te Taumata secures next trade hui at Parliament
We’re thrilled to announce our next trade hui will be sponsored and hosted by Foreign Affairs Minister Nanaia Mahuta at Parliament. This hui will be held on 11 October, 2022 and will focus on Ministry-to-Ministry collaboration towards effective implementation of the recently negotiated FTAs and future ones. It follows our most recent regional trade hui, which
Waikato-Tainui regional trade hui: Day Two
Māori leaders and businesses across Waikato-Tainui have come together with trade and export officials for Day Two of the fifth Te Taumata regional trade hui. The hui has continued to facilitate constructive dialogue between Māori and officials and has given Māori an opportunity to get our pātai answered in real time. Waikato-Tainui leader and Chairman
Waikato-Tainui regional trade hui: Day One
Day one of the Waikato-Tainui regional trade hui has generated robust kōrero, he whakaaro rite and strong interest in how to maximise opportunities for Māori in export trade. Organised by Te Taumata – a network working to deliver better trade outcomes for Māori – the hui has created a platform for Māori businesses and leaders